Bad credit car loan Multiple credit probe by a consumer attempting store credit cards credit score to open a new credit line such as retail credit card or retail store account can affect FICO score or Credit What's your credit score? Only apply for credit cards that fit within your credit score range. Knowing your credit score will help you avoid applying for a credit card that you . Whether or not a store credit card application hurts your credit score depends on a number of factors. Do not apply for credit to get a discount. The credit inquiries will lower your credit score. . place, and would receive significant rewards at this store credit cards credit score store if I opened a credit card with them. How will opening a department store credit card affect my credit score? How To Use Credit Cards As A Powerful Financial Tool: Discover How Low Interest Cards, Credit Card Transfers And Other Credit Card Types Can Help You . What is the TRUTH about store credit cards and credit score effect/impact? The finance articles I have read like one on MSN Money says to stay away Been hit up lately by sales clerks promising big savings if you apply for a retail store credit card? Just about every major clothing, electronics, and Do Department Stores Credit Cards Hurt Your Credit Score?. Many department stores offer their own credit card. These cards work like a traditional card -- the department store . I would like to cancel department store credit cards that I no longer use. Should I cancel one or more at one time or space the cancellations over a period of time? Will
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